About Me

Hi, my name is Dannielle, I'm 30-years-old and I've well and truly been bitten by the travel bug. When I plan a holiday, it becomes an all-consuming event. Every spare minute I get, I'm researching, plotting, planning - so I'm not caught out or thrown a curve ball. It's part of the reason why I started this blog. I feel like research will only take you so far - you need to talk to someone who has been there, done that.
So, I decided to write down all of my thoughts about places I've seen, things I've done, and suggested itineraries I'd do, if I was to do it all over again - and I hope it might help someone else who is an 'over-planner', just like me.
'On the Spritz' is particularly geared towards couples travelling in their 20s and 30s. My husband and I generally holiday a little more 'fast paced' and like to fit in as much in as possible. But in the same breath, I don't want to cut our time short by rushing through places - I want to do it right. We generally prefer to base our holidays around 'experiences' and I like to find places that are truly unique - that you can't find anywhere else.
Oh, and you'll work out pretty quickly my absolute passion is Italy. So, there's an unbalanced amount of detail about that particular country in there and I'm not ashamed to say it.
Italy has a certain charm, that captivates almost every traveller who visits. I have almost always felt a connection with the country, as my heritage is Italian. I love everything about the country - from the Italian accent; to their food - oh, the food! Then there's their way of life...
Dolce fa niente - the sweetness of doing nothing.
My real love affair started when I was 17, when I visited for the first time on exchange. I was in Italy for three months. I went to school, stayed with a local family, learnt the language, went skiing with them on weekends – and that was it, I was hooked. I’ve been back four times since and I don’t plan on stopping anytime soon.